Dress For The Boat You Want, Not the One You Have…

January 20, 2022

Mid way through January, how are you tracking with your 2022 intentions?  Are you poised with new stationary in hand, ready to get started, or ……are you still in holiday mode?

Having just returned from a long awaited, once postponed boating holiday with the family, I’m finally rested enough to breathe into the new year.  Thanking our lucky Covid stars that all 8 of us miraculously were able to come together and play.

Alicia, my middle daughter (wearing the hat in the picture below), packed ambitiously for our 5 day boat trip.  Each  day, she emerged from her tiny sleeping quarters with an absolutely breathtaking ensemble including appliqué cap, hats, crop tops and long skirts. In sharp contrast, the rest of us were in the standard togs and t-shirts.

Now to keep it real, this is a rented catamaran, a holiday escape that we have been taking every year for 3 years as a family.  We reminded Alicia that she may have overshot on the wardrobe. 

“Dressing for the boat she wants, not the one she has,” her sister quipped. 

We all roared with laughter, but there is a thread of truth in it.  Alicia makes no bones that she’s preparing for a luxurious world.  My oldest daughter is preparing for travel, writing and investigation.  My youngest is completing her studies.

The moral of the story? 
Dress for the life you want.
Prepare for the world you expect.

Raise your expectations to your dreams, don’t be limited by your circumstances.

With all the talk of mindfulness, gratitude and appreciation, there’s a depth and peace in acknowledging the value and power of what we have in our lives in this present moment. 

And a big part of reaching beyond, is preparing to receive what you cannot see yet.

One of my coaching clients is studying and preparing her room as her sanctuary.  Beyond the practicalities of scheduling, she is thinking about what inspires her and filling her space with that.  It might include flowers, plants, photo memories – a vision board of what lies beyond this study.  She knows an inspiring environment is a conduit to her best creative work.

Another client already has the promotion she wants, but seeks to feel more comfortable in the role in the coming months.  She is working on her mindset and reading biographies of great leaders in preparation.

What are your preparing for?
Are you ready to receive all the great things coming your way?  If not, make some space, dress for the part, take the next 3 steps towards your intentions….and let me know how you go.

Louise Fitzgerald-Baker Author

Written by Lou Fitzgerald-Baker

Connect with her on Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram.
Louise Fitzgerald-Baker Author

About Me

Hello I'm Louise Fitzgerald-Baker, Well-th Coach.

I help women close the gap between wealth and wellbeing.

Most of my career has been in the property sector where I saw a lot of wealth at the cost of wellbeing.

And on the flipside, I've met a lot of yoga and pilates instructors with wellbeing, but not a lot of financial security.

I've discovered there's a Wealth & Wellbeing Sweetspot.

Having found it, I now devote my life to helping others do the same.

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